RED School anunta parteneriat cu Evermotion!
Suntem bucurosi sa anuntam ca incepand din luna Decembrie, RED School a inceput un parteneriat cu Evermotion.
RED School sustine si popularizeaza evenimentele organizate de Evermotion asa ca veti fi primii care veti afla noutati si informatii despre cele mai interesante proiecte din domeniul CG.
De asemenea, incepand din Ianuarie 2016 toti cursantii RED School vor beneficia de reduceri la achizitionarea produselor Evermotion.
Urmariti site-ul si pagina de FB a RED School pentru detalii.
Fiti la zi cu stiri si proiecte CG alaturi de RED School si Evermotion!
Despre Evermotion:
Evermotion este o companie CG localizata in Bialystok, Polonia, care produce modele 3D de clasa mondiala si CG enviroments and visualizari. Evermotion creaza si dezvolta produse, tutoriale și software care ajuta artistii CG in realizarea vizualizarilor 3D prin eficientizarea modului de lucru si cresterea calitatii rezultatelor finale.
RED School is happy to announce the partnership with Evermotion!
We are happy to announce that starting December we have started a partnership with Evermotion.
RED School supports and popularizes the Evermotion events so you’ll be the first to find out updates and information about the most interesting projects in the CG field.
Also, starting January 2016 all RED School students will receive discounts on purchase of Evermotion products.
Follow our website and FB account for further details.
Keep in touch with CG news and tutorials with RED School and Evermotion!
About Evermotion:
Evermotion is a CG company based in Bialystok, POLAND. We make world class 3d models, CG environments and visualizations. Evermotion creates and develops product, tutorials and software that help CG artists with their 3d visualizations by speeding up their workflow and increasing their quality of output.