Astăzi, la categoia Freebies, vă punem la dispoziție un scurt tutorial oferit de partenerul nostru Viscorbel ce conține tehnici de modelare avansată a unei perne rotunde în MarvelousDesigner.
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I’ve been exploring Marvelous Designer for while now. It’s a fun piece of software and pretty powerful too and I think it can be a great asset to arch viz.
Most of the available info however is about modeling clothes. This is not what I want to use it for, so there’s a lot of guesswork and a lot of things need to be improvised or figured out without learning in tutorials.
I’ve figured out some basic concepts I can use in arch viz, now I’m just polishing my skills and trying different types of models. Here’s quick (ok, maybe not so quick) tutorial that shows me modeling an advanced round cushion with Marvelous Designer 3.
If you like the tutorial and want to see more MD tuts, do let me know 😉
Ok, enough talk, here’s the video:
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